Quizzes/test and OSPE( Objective Structured Practical Examination).

It is only quiz and maybe everybody thinks that quiz should be as easy as ABC, but we call it test among ourselves because the importance of this so-called-quiz is not in a small portion of our carry mark and of course it is not easy huhh. The time taken for each quiz varies, but mostly 1 hour is allocated for each paper. And sometimes, our quiz was held in a BIG exam hall! It just like we wanna take final exam huhu... 

this is an example for mcq quiz or final question, which we have to answer  it whether it is true or false or left blank.  Its quite tricky than SBA questions 

During first semester, at least 2 quizzes for each subject that I’ve taken. For biochemistry and physiology, it is combined under one subject- Function & Metabolism of Cells and Tissue. So it means that I have to take 4 quizzes for this subject !! huaaaa. Excluded other subjects for 1st  sem, anatomy-2 quizzes, genetics-2 quizzes, pathology-2 quizzes, nutrition-no quiz coz we don’t have enough time. 

Each subject would have one OSPE test. OSPE is a practical test and the questions are more on labeling or stating function about something on the diagram in a limited time given. For final OSPE, we have table stations and 3 minutes is allocated for us to answer the question on each table, nervous huhh?!  But don’t worry, just take a deep breath and answer all question confidently :)))))
this an example for ospe question for pathology

That's all. thank you for reading !


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